domingo, 25 de febrero de 2018

#EduGoalsMooc The Goal Minded Teacher: Challenges to Transform Student Learning WEEK 2: FINAL REFLECTIONS

#EduGoalsMooc The Goal Minded Teacher: Challenges to Transform Student Learning


During this week we have been faced with the always complicated question of how to motivate students. My personal experience, during the past 27 years of my life, since I became a full teacher, is that most of us never stop trying new things, looking for the magic token which will make our students eager to learn and to do all the tasks that we may invent or find in our textbooks. Most of us never stop reading, attending courses or doing anything just for the sake of keeping updated and always tuned with kids that are always the same age in a never changing world while each course makes us a year older; and often all this huge amount of time and effort goes with little appreciation or unnoticed on the employers' side. However, years not only make us older, more tired and less confident, they also make us more experienced, more intuitive and faster to acknowledge when something is useful and is worth a try.
Such is the case of the challenges we have been asked to accomplish during this week at 
#EduGoalsMooc by transforming a bookwork activity into a learning mission which students are challenged to fulfill. I decided to share a matching activity of questions and answers which I turned some weeks ago into an outline for a more complex and personal piece of writing. Thus, my 9th grade (3º ESO) students had to write about an ideal holiday with their families, including information about how to get to the city -in the UK or Ireland- of their choice, where to stay, what to do and what to see. I must admit that I was already doing such things: turning boring activities into something else, related with the student world and connected with ICTs. However, there was something important missing in my practice: I see now that some more enthusiasm and encouragement is essential when challenging students. Next, some readings were suggested for us to learn about how to create Learning Missions from common tasks and how to do it well. Finally we were suggested a few ways to hand in the specifications of our missions. I decided to give try to Google Slides, which I had never used before, and produced this presentation  to share with with my peers, who (by the way) gave a really positive feedback. Thanks!!
Secondly, we have dealt with digital badges. I could  have never imagined that I would be creating and issuing my these micro-credentials  for my own students only some 4 months after I got my first digital badge myself. I must admit that they are a powerful tool to motivate students, to promote responsibility on their actions and learning and to give some sort of reward different from the usual grades. Besides, they can be exported, shown and shared in social networks and online profiles, which gives digital badges a versatility absent in other marking scales. We also received a good dose of reading recommendations, some of which I have already commented on Facebook and Twitter. 
We have gone through the process of creating a digital badge, whose design is only a small part that should not  be ignored though. When I have seen the badges created by my course mates from all over there world, I have realized -once again- that I am not really good at art & design. Mine seems too colorful and cheerful, perhaps conveying an unprofessional or not too serious hint. It's obvious I need more practice at

Fortunately, as I said above, the design of the badge is only a small portion of the process of creating it. Digital Badges are not only images. They include some metadata about the institution issuer, the standards acknowledged and the validity. Here you can read the document where I state all these things about my badge. 
In spite of the appearance and the technical data of badges, their importance does not only lie on their physical existence. We must not forget how powerful they may be when motivating our students, especially if we use them connected to learning missions and challenges. This is something our students can boast they have obtained, they can show them and feel proud of themselves, and besides their achievements  may be recognized by peers. A 10/10 marked with red ink does not cause the same effects, does it?
Last but not least, there is another aspect in this course which -in my opinion- is worth mentioning: its social feature. Apart from a highly active hashtag #EduGoalsMooc on twitter and an even more lively and busy facebook group, participants are required collect and  share their experiences on a learning journal, which may boost and widespread all these ideas among the colleagues who follow us on our social networks. Thanks Fabiana and Shelly for your work, quickly reading all the posts, commenting on them and supporting and encouraging us.
Week 2 is over and I've liked it a lot. I'm looking forward to week 3!!

#EduGoalsMooc The Goal Minded Teacher WEEK 2: CHALLENGE #2

#EduGoalsMooc  The Goal Minded Teacher

After changing our way of viewing boring ordinary class tasks and seeing how to transform them into exciting, motivating learning missions, we have been asked to create a Digital Badge. 

It was not so long ago when I got my first Digital Badge. It was in an online course on ABP / PBL and you can see on the right column. I didn't know what was, and what was it good for. However getting badges seem to have become one of my favorite pastimes in the last 4 or 5 months. Why have I become so fond of badges myself?

First, I'd like to point that a digital badge is not just a simple image, regardless the amount of digital skills involved in its design. It's also a really useful mean to carry out evaluation, since they can only be earned by students who meet those standards or/and assessment criteria selected and related to the task included and the product required. Besides, they are an excellent way to motivate students. We all like to get recognition for our work and we all feel proud to show our progress to friends and family. Self recognition can be a valuable tool in the development and care of teens' personality.

To design my badge I have used Open Badges Designer and a template provided by Shelly Sanchez Terrell to produce an outline of the important facts of the badge: standards, criteria, task, rubric, etc. You can see mine here.

To end up, I have to say that I have uploaded my badge into INTEF Insignias and it's ready to be assigned to some or all my peers at this MOOC.

In addition, it has also been uploaded to the moodle platform we work with in my school.

Of course I have given them to the students who posted their plan for a family trip on the Padlet wall of the class. This is the activity which I turned into a Learning Mission in the previous challenge.

Still three weeks to go on #EduGoalsMooc. Some more goals to achieve  and challenges to overcome!

sábado, 24 de febrero de 2018

Week 2 at "The Goal Minded Teacher #EduGoalsMooc:

Week 2  at "The Goal Minded Teacher #EduGoalsMooc:

During this week we are learning new ways to motivate students.
Challenge #1 has consisted on turning an activity into a Learning Mission. I have chosen a matching activity in which students were asked to connect questions with answers. I decided some weeks ago to give it a turn and use it to set open questions for my students to answer them on the basis of an assigned city. I didn't know I was so close to making that boring task into an exciting, motivating learning mission. I think I perhaps lacked some of the enthusiasm which I can feel when I hear or read Shelly Sanchez Terrell. But anyway I feel happy to realize that some of my "little personal teaching tricks" are on the right way, although I was not aware of the importance of writing an outline of the key issues of the mission. I have done so in this challenge and you can check it in the presentation I've made:

I grouped the questions in the Student's book INactivity and asked them to search information to plan a family trip to a city in the UK or Ireland. Then, they had to write a composition describing how they planned to get there, where they would stay, what they thought they could do there and which places they would like to visit. Finally, they shared their writings in Padlet:

I feel pretty proud of my students' work.

jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018


I have recently joined a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)  on Educalab INTEF named The Goal Minded Teacher: Challenges to Transform Student Learning  (#EduGoalsMOOC).

During this first week we have been asked some introductory tasks, the first of which has been  pinpointing our location  in Google Maps. It´s amazing to see how far we can actually be but how close we can feel when we share our experience on groups in social networks.  The second challenge consisted on introducing ourselves by posting an enriched selfie. this is the one I posted:

The reason why I decided to stick two images related to sports is that they show some aspects of my private life but at the same time they have become the only field where I clearly set myself goals to achieve: One always tries to swim or to cycle a bit faster  than in the previous session,  to swim more laps in the same time or to reach further on every cold weekend morning. It reminded me of the Olympic Games motto Citius, altius, forties (Faster, Higher, Stronger). 

While reading the documents we were suggested I had a moody moment: a flashback from the time when I was at University. I remember those days when I was always messing around with tests, exams, essays and projects. My life now is so far from that! Nowadays I am mostly concerned about paying bills and rising my kids (aged 6 & 4), keeping them healthy, stimulated and happy and trying they become nice happy adults in the future. I am (I was) hardly aware of how goals are an essential part of me.
When I think about it, I realize it would be impossible for me to live without some small, unnoticed SMART goals to accomplish in my daily life. That is the reason why I love swimming and cycling and why  I enroll in learning experiences like this and why I keep on leaving my comfort zone as far as teaching is concerned. Although I have been teaching for 26 years now and I am supposed to know how to do it the right way, I’m still searching the appropriate method to make my students speak, understand, write and read English comprenhensively.

In the following weeks, more challenges will come. I am ready for them.

martes, 13 de febrero de 2018

Five Rules of Goal Setting: How to set SMART, Motivating Personal Goals

30 Goals for Teachers

First activities in #EduGoalsMooc

First day in a new learning experience: The Goal Minded Teacher: Challenges to Transform Student Learning MOOC. With it I hope to achieve short-term instructional goals  each week, which hopefully will help me 

  • engage my students, 
  • integrate technology meaningfully, 
  • manage my classroom effectively, 
  • communicate with parents successfully, 
  • and collaborate with other teachers worldwide. 
During this first week we are going to
  • explore various goal-setting strategies in order to determine which ones are the most motivating and practical for us; 
  • discover the characteristics of a goal-minded teacher and how being goal-minded helps us experience more “wins” throughout our teaching year and career; 
  • generate ideas for encouraging students to set and accomplish small achievable goals regularly in our classes; 
  • learn about the history behind The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers

I have already done some of the first activities such as: 
  1. introducing myself through shared images in Facebook and Twitter with fun stickers and emojis, 
  2. pinpointing my location in a shared map, and 
  3. publishing my first post in my learning journal, which you are reading at the moment.

This Massive Open Online Course has different social spaces to help us learn and share with each other: #EduGoalsMOOC on Twitter and Goal-Minded Teacher Facebook group
If I am able to end successfully the #EduGoalsMOOC, I will earn an open digital badge that demonstrates the skills I acquired and developed. 

sábado, 3 de febrero de 2018



Piktochart es una aplicación online que facilita la creación de infografías a aquellos que no tienen conocimientos de diseño ni de programación. Para ello facilita plantillas prediseñadas, gráficos, iconos, fuentes… que el usuario va eligiendo según sus necesidades para completar su gráfico mediante drag&drop.


Primer Post para el NOOC #ColaBLOGando

He decidido llamarlo  #RuizGijónInglés, hashtag de twitter elegido mediante encuesta entre mis alumnos para agrupar sus aportaciones relacionadas con el área que imparto. De esta forma, con un mismo nombre unimos dos recursos.

1. Tipo de Blog: El blog aúna características de los blogs de profesor, de asignatura y de grupo, ya que quiero empezar creando un blog pequeño y con un objetivo SMART (SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVABLE, RESULT-ORIENTED & TIME LIMITED) Por ello, en principio estará únicamente destinado a los proyectos de aprendizaje colaborativo que estoy comenzando a desarrollar con mis dos grupos de 3º de ESO en el área de Lengua Extranjera Inglés en mi centro de trabajo: IES Ruiz Gijón de Utrera (Sevilla).
2. Autores: En una primera fase, los autores del blog serán -además del profesor- los portavoces de los diferentes equipos de trabajo de los alumnos: 8 alumnos por cada una de las dos clases a los que en principio va destinado el blog. Posteriormente, todos los alumnos podrán acceder y publicar bajo determinadas circunstancias, tasadas y expuestas en los proyectos concretos.
3. Periodicidad de las Publicaciones: Como norma los portavoces comenzarán haciendo una publicación semanal en la que recojan aquellos aspectos del proyecto en cuestión que se estimen oportunos, sin perjuicio de que esta periodicidad fija pueda ser ampliada o reducida cuando la dinámica del trabajo colaborativo así lo aconseje o requiera.
4. Objetivos del Blog: 
GENERAL: Llevar a cabo trabajos colaborativos y basados en proyectos en mi área.
  • Transmitir a mis alumnos la utilidad del blog como recurso TIC, desde las perspectivas productiva y receptiva.
  • Animar a mis alumnos a consultar blogs específicos sobre temas de su interés y a crear uno en el que recojan sus experiencias.
  • Utilizar el Blog como Diario de Aprendizaje.
5. Contenidos: Como ya he expuesto el blog estará vinculado a los proyectos que desarrollo con mis grupos de 3º de ESO. En concreto, en estos momentos estamos comenzando a desarrollar la segunda fase de un proyecto de aprendizaje colaborativo sobre ciudades del Reino Unido e Irlanda. En la primera fase, los alumnos tuvieron proyectar unas mini-vacaciones familiares en una de esas ciudades, incluyendo itinerarios y un plan de actividades a realizar durante el periodo y exponerlo en los respectivos muros de Padlet (3º ESO B / 3º ESO C). En la segunda fase de ese proyecto, los alumnos que escribieron sobre una misma ciudad han de elaborar una Infografía con Piktochart que incluya datos e imágenes sobre la ciudad. Planeo usar el blog:

  • Para especificar la secuencia de actividades y tareas,
  • Para recpger feedback sobre la realización de las actividades,
  • Para facilitar a los alumnos los documentos de autoevaluación y coevaluación.
  • Para difundir los productos.
6. Etiquetas:
  • 3ESO
  • MyTrip
  • Piktochart
  • Padlet
  • Infografía
  • Evaluación
  • Autoevaluación
  • Coevaluación
7. Moderación: Durante la primera fase solo podrán escribir en el blog los usuarios autorizados o registrados (profesor y portavoces de los 8 equipos de trabajo de cada clase), lo cual evita en esta fase la necesidad de moderación. Posteriormente, se registrarán todos los alumnos para que puedan realizar comentarios y se apelará a la responsabilidad de los alumnos para que los comentarios sean apropiados, correctos y respetuosos. No descarto abrir los comentarios a usuarios no registrados (padres, comunidad educativa) con la previa verificación antispam. En este caso la aprobación se realizará con periodicidad semanal.


Durante este mes de noviembre de 2020 he participado en el curso del CEP Lebrija denominado HERRAMIENTAS DIGITALES FORMADORAS Y EVALUADORAS ...