domingo, 11 de marzo de 2018

#EduGoalsMooc The Goal Minded Teacher: Challenges to Transform Student Learning WEEK 4 CHALLENGE #2. Design a digital safety, citizenship, and learning resource for parents.

#EduGoalsMooc The Goal Minded Teacher: Challenges to Transform Student Learning 

WEEK 4 CHALLENGE #2. Design a digital safety, citizenship, and learning resource for parents.

After taking out and showing all the stuff we usually carry in our backpack, we have become aware that we are in control of what happens in our classes. In fact we have always been but this getting nude exercise is a sort of empowering and recognition to ourselves. As a next step in this learning path  we have been asked to create a resource, website, or presentation for the parents of my students to let them understand how to help their children become better digital learners and citizens.
This task links up with the one we did as WEEK 3 CHALLENGE #2: Survey students about their digital footprints, which was aimed at gaining  a deeper understanding of our students’ digital activities. By doing so I was able to gain an understanding of what was my students' awareness of their digital footprint and what their parents would (or wouldn't) do to care about their kids' behavior online.

In addition, in WEEK 3 FINAL REFLECTIONS I exposed some of the conclusions that could be drawn after considering my students' answers to the survey:
  1. they start using the net and the social networks at an early age: 10 years old;
  2. Most parents are apparently concerned with what their sons do online, although they do nothing to check effectively their deeds.
  3. A high percentage of them post pics and videos of themselves on social networks, regardless of the future consequences it may have.
  4. Kids are absolutely unaware of what their digital footprint is and how it could affect them in the future.

Gráfico de respuestas de formularios. Título de la pregunta: ¿A qué edad usaste por primera vez un dispositivo electrónico (Game Boy, iPad, teléfono móvil, tablet, vídeo-consola, etc.)? - At what age did you first use a computing device (Game Boy, iPad, cell phone, tablet, gaming console, etc.)?. Número de respuestas: 23 respuestas.
Gráfico de respuestas de formularios. Título de la pregunta: ¿Te dieron permiso tus padres para unirte a cada una de las redes sociales a las que te has unido? - Did your parents give you permission to join each of these social networks?. Número de respuestas: 23 respuestas.Gráfico de respuestas de formularios. Título de la pregunta: ¿Comprueban tus padres lo que haces en la red? - Do your parents check what you do online?. Número de respuestas: 23 respuestas.

Gráfico de respuestas de formularios. Título de la pregunta: ¿Te han hablado alguna vez tus padres sobre seguridad en internet? - Have your parents ever talked to you about Internet safety?. Número de respuestas: 23 respuestas.Gráfico de respuestas de formularios. Título de la pregunta: ¿Con qué frecuencia compartes fotos de tí mismo/a en internet? - How often do you share photos of yourself online?. Número de respuestas: 23 respuestas.

Then I stated that  some kind of action should be taken about this and made clear the different levels of digital abilities that the three parts in the problem possess. It was necessary for parents and teachers to undergo a training process to get the necessary qualification to be able to cope with this issue effectively.  

And so, here I come with this very simple website where I collect information taken from INCIBE (Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad) and OSI (Oficina de Seguridad del Internauta). However, prior to being assessed by peers,I would like to make clear couple of facts about my choices:

  1. It was my intention to work with a colleague and had in a collaborative product. Unfortunately some technical, professional and familiar problems have made ir impossible. I must apologize for the delay I may have caused her unwillingly.
  2. I have decided to write it in Spanish so that I can use it immediately with my students' parents. Yet a translating gadget has been added to enable getting an English translation while the full English version is finished.
I hope you like and enjoy My digital safety, citizenship and learning resource for parents. Needless to say, It would be great if it were useful.

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Durante este mes de noviembre de 2020 he participado en el curso del CEP Lebrija denominado HERRAMIENTAS DIGITALES FORMADORAS Y EVALUADORAS ...