#EduGoalsMooc The Goal Minded Teacher: Challenges to Transform Student Learning
Since Tuesday 13th of February, Weeks finish on Mondays and start on Tuesdays. Ending up with challenges of the week on time has become itself a goal so auto be able to fulfill the following ones and keep the track. This week however I am a bit delayed since extra hours at school tend to increase as the end of the term approaches.
During the week finishing today we have worked hard to learn about digital learning theories. At first it may seem a pointless set of scholar productions far from the daily teaching reality, although a more detailed look reveals that in spite of a great deal of abstraction, some of the theories are quite down on the ground. The one I chose to mindmap is R.A.T. basically because I felt it could help me evaluate how I am using technology in my class and make me improve my teaching practice in a more sensible way by setting a simple, S.M.A.R.T. goal at a time. I have realized that I am halfway, not only using technology in a REPLACEMENT stage as a REDUNDANT tool instead of textbook or board. I sometimes, not consistently yet, propose apps for an AVERAGE, ACCEPTABLE AMPLIFICATION of the content, trying that students learn from real English use on the web. I have even done a little TRANSFORMATION, enabling my students do a TERRIFIC creation turning a boring class activity into a complex collaborative mission or challenge whose product has surprised both students and me.
Another positive points of this theory is that it allows me to relate my use of technology with the students’ relationship to the technology. This may be rated as Passive, Interactive or Creative (PIC). These standards may vary from one student to another, which also points what I should do in my teaching practice: helping them to move from P to C while I am moving from R to T. Check this article by Dr Royce Kimmons for more details about this and some nice diagrams about this shifts.
As a second challenge, I have surveyed my students (and some other kids around) about their experience and habits on the social networks. This has given me a sound knowledge about what age the kids start accessing the net and using social networks. I've learnt several things about this:
- they start using the net and the social networks at an early age: 10 years old;
- Most parents are apparently concerned with what their sons do online, although they do nothing to check effectively their deeds.
- A high percentage of them post pics and videos of themselves on social networks, regardless of the future consequences it may have.
- Kids are absolutely unaware of what their digital footprint is and how it could affect them in the future.
From my point of view some kind of action should be taken about this. The different levels of ability that teens and parents have in terms of internet use, safety and privacy make most of the later unable to protect their children from something they have never heard of and don't even consider a threaten. This leaves the matter in the hands of teachers and teens themselves to spread the knowledge and awareness about social networks misuse.
However, I must admit that, at least, my own background does not allow me to transmit this specific information about digital responsibility, unless I undergo a training process to get the necessary qualification. The same could be said about most of my colleagues, especially those over 50, for whom the digital gap between their use of technologies and their students' is an unachievable and discouraging fact with obviously negative side effects.
In my opinion, the issue of Digital Citizenship should be included in curricula from the earliest stages: primary school. Also, teacher training schemes ought to provide these skills to break the vicious circle of unawareness and irresponsibility we are in now. Finally, educative administrations should promote campaigns among young people aged 10-22 in order to fight this misinformation problem.
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